Somatic Sexology, also known as Sexological Bodywork or Somatic Sex Education, brings together Somatics, the awareness of our own body sensations in the present moment and Sexology, the study of human sexuality, using tools such as place of awareness, breath, sound, touch and movement techniques. This deeper embodied awareness leads to more pleasurable body sensations and sexual experiences.
This is for individuals, singles and couples, of all genders, sexual identities and relationship styles.
This is for those who want to learn about their body, sex and sexuality, as well as working through sexual issues or concerns. I focus on the soma, a celebration of sensations/pleasure and modelling of non-judgemental curiosity about the experience within the body.
There is an infinitive spectrum to learn about your own body and sexuality but some common reasons are as following,
Psychoanalytic or Psychodynamic Approach – it evolved from the work of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Psychodynamic counselling is based on Freud’s idea that true knowledge of people and their problems is possible through an understanding of three particular areas of the human mind. These areas are:
The Conscious – things we are aware of, including feelings or emotions, such as anger, sadness, grief, delight, surprise, and happiness.
The Subconscious – these are things that are below our conscious awareness but fairly easily accessible. They may include events that we have forgotten, but we will easily remember when asked an appropriate question.
The Unconscious – this is the area of the mind where the memories have been supressed and is usually very difficult to access. Such memories may include extremely traumatic events that have been blocked off and require a highly skilled practitioner to help recover.
Freud’s main interest and aim was to bring things from the unconscious into the conscious. This practice is known as psychoanalysis, which encourage the client to examine childhood or early memory trauma to gain a deeper understanding of events.
Cognitive Behavioural Approach – It focuses on the assumption that the environment determines an individual’s behaviour. Behaviourists believe that behaviour is “learned” and can therefore be unlearned. Behaviour therapy focuses on individual behaviour and aims to help people to modify unwanted behaviours. Problems which respond well to this type of therapy include phobias, anxiety attached and eating disorders.
Existential Humanistic Approach – It recognises the uniqueness of every individual. It assumes that everyone has an innate capacity to grow emotionally and psychologically towards the goals of self-actualisation and personal fulfilment. Humanistic counsellors work with the belief that problems are not caused by life events themselves, but how we experience them. Our experience, in turn, will affect and be affected by how we feel about ourselves, influencing self-stem and confidence. The humanistic approach to counselling therefore encourages the client to learn to understand how negative responses to life events can lead to psychological discomfort. The approach aims for self-acceptance of both negative and positive aspects of our characters and personalities. Humanistic counsellors therefore aim to help clients to explore their own thoughts and feelings and to work out their own solutions to their problems.
Somatic Approach – It has similar assumptions about subjective reality unique experience living in the world as the existential humanistic approaches but it focuses in the “Felt Experience”, shifting the focus on what the client is actually experiencing here and now through their bodies, not just thinking about it or speaking about it but also supporting the client to pay attention to the felt experience. It highlights the importance of balance out the cognitive/narrative information with the somatic experience. It helps the clients to be connected with themselves, with their bodies as living and breathing human beings, connected with their community and connected with the landscape.
It also focuses on Intentional Practise and they are influenced by breakthroughs in Neuroscience and the concept of Neuroplasticity and how we can harness and re-shape our Brains and Nervous Systems in the direction to create change. This is where Eastern Science meets Western Philosophy, the idea that yoga, meditation, etc…, as practises for physical and mental well-being.
Embodied counselling therapy is a type of therapy that involves working the body as well as the mind. It is based on the idea that the body holds memories, emotions, and patterns of behaviour that are important to our overall well-being. It is also referred to as somatic therapy, as it focuses on the body and its sensations.
In this approach, as therapist, I work with the client to explore the physical sensations and feelings that are present in the body. I might use techniques such as breathwork, movement, and touch to help the client connect with their body and become more aware of their emotions and experiences.
Embodied counselling therapy can be beneficial for a range of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and stress. By working with the body, clients can gain a deeper understanding of their emotions and learn to regulate them more effectively. This approach can also help clients develop a stronger sense of self and a greater connection to their physical and emotional experiences.
Yoni is the Sanskrit word for female genitals, for the vagina. It translates to “source of all life” or “sacred space.”
In my opinion, this is an inspiring way to describe this precious area of the female genitalia.
De-Armouring is a way of releasing blockages, stuck energy, emotions and tension from the body – also known as Armour. Body Armour was first mentioned in writing by Wilhelm Reich back in the 1930’s. The practice of De-Armouring though, is as old as the Shamanic tradition and has many different forms.
Modern De-Armouring or Tantric De-Armouring is a holistic bodywork practice in which deep pressure is applied to different points in the body, combined with breathwork and a focused awareness of the felt sense in the body. The process can bring various memories and feelings.
A yoni massage is an intimate therapeutic tantric massage to bring forth a greater sexual and orgasmic potential by freeing blocked energies, possible traumas and tensions from within.
“Sacred” relates to Tantra. Tantra works with our energies within, with its sublimation which we could also simply call with its raising of the energies and therefore with transforming deeply our being and personality, reaching higher states of consciousness. I use the term sublimation or subliming the energies, which means, refining the energies and raising the energies.
And, why is it so important to receive a sacred yoni massage?
Tantra is a holistic system of spirituality which describes a path towards divine consciousness, using tools from this world, such a sexuality and more. The sexual teachings of Tantra are less than 5% from all tantric teachings. Nevertheless, in the Western World many people think that Tantra is kinky sex and lots of orgies. Far away from that. Tantra offers many different ways and methods to reach high states of consciousness and yes, a few of them relate to sexuality.
In order to go deeper into our understanding of how we can use Tantra and our sexual energy we need to understand the concept of sublimation.
The term sublimation is a key word to understand Tantra even more. In Tantra we constantly aim to refine heavy gross energies into more subtle forms of energies. What does it mean? A heavy gross energy for example is when we feel lazy, depressed, emotionally overwhelmed, mentally frustrated or confused. When we feel a lot of anxiety in our being, when we have menstrual cramps, or as a man the so called “blue balls”. We can use different ways of reaching this movement of energy:
That means, if I can keep all my focus in my heart area during love making, all the energy will accumulate there. If I focus only on my genitals, all my energy will accumulate there. So, in order to go deeper into powerful orgasms, whole body experiences, we want to focus our mind in certain areas of our being, not only in our genitals. And Sublimation is the way to do it.
In order to open up towards our fullest sexual potential and freedom, we need to move out from our regular way of thinking and feeling to a more sublimed, elevated state of consciousness. Using sublimation, we can remove all of our old layers of inhibitions, fears, emotional blockages and we allow the space for deeper healing to occur.
Sublimation becomes one of the major tools to refine and redefine our sexuality, becoming more aware of our energies and the different layers of our being. All these layers, once purified and lightened up, bring us juiciness, healing and mind-blowing orgasms.